Livingston County Firefighter Training Academy
Class of 2017
The Livingston County Firefighter Training Academy is dedicated to creating a collaborative learning environment based on mutual respect and appreciation for the diversity of life and work experiences that each student brings to the learning environment. Our training program is rigorous, both academically and physically, and requires the candidate to be motivated and responsible for the knowledge that they are presented. The program seeks to facilitate learning for each student in order that he or she can become a competent Firefighter who meets the Fire Authorities’ and Fire Departments’, the State of Michigan’s, and U.S. Department of Transportation’s national, state, and local standards.
The term “Fire Academy” is used to describe a regimented training program that begins with Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) program, in which cadets earn their base medical license with the State of Michigan, as well as pass the National Registry. Upon successful completion of EMR, cadets move on to acquiring their Firefighter I & II certification. During this program, they will receive certifications in Hazardous Materials – Operations, Emergency Vehicle Operators Training, Vehicle Extrication, Ice Rescue, and National Incident Management ICS Programs. In total, cadets will receive just under 400 hours of foundational training and certification.
The fire academy is run as a regional training center (RTC) with a strong paramilitary background, requiring a strict dress code and student code of conduct. The program lasts approximately ten (10) months over all, and provides the fire academy graduates all the mandated training needed to serve as a firefighter in the State of Michigan. Recruit firefighters are held to a high standard requiring consistent attendance, personally exhibiting ethical behavior, and a passing grade of 80% or above. Weekly completion of reading and homework assignments with quizzes following each lecture topic, as well as a mid-term, are part of the program.
The program is concluded with a State of Michigan-administered written exam and practical exams. A formal graduation ceremony is held for the cadets and their families celebrating the completion and passing of the program. Awards are presented for top-of-the-class in academics, over-all performance, and class-selected top cadet.
This year’s graduating class was made up of 14 cadets representing the following departments from Livingston and Oakland counties:
Brighton Area Fire Authority
Hartland Deerfield Fire Authority
Howell Area Fire Authority
Putman Twp Fire Department
Wixom Fire Department